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Ann-Perry Witmer

Teaching Assistant Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Teaching Assistant Professor, Biomedical and Translational Sciences
Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Instructor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Research Affiliate, Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
Affiliate, Center for Social & Behavioral Science
Affiliate, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliate, Center for African Studies
Affiliate, Women & Gender in Global Perspectives

Recent Publications

Chattopadhyay, A., Sauer, P. W., & Witmer, A. P. (2024). Can renewable energy work for rural societies? Exploring productive use, institutions, support systems, and trust for solar electricity in the Navajo Nation. Energy Research and Social Science, 107, Article 103342.

Rousan, T., Witmer, A. P., & Haran, K. S. (2024). A practical methodology for distributed energy resources (DER) valuation in distribution networks. Electric Power Systems Research, 230, Article 110251.

Witmer, A.-P., Mingee, J., & Scully, B. D. (Eds.) (2024). Consilience: Learning About Ourselves by Applying Indigenous Traditions to Western Music and Technology. (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, & Society; Vol. Part F3015). Springer.

Witmer, A. P., Mingee, J., & Scully, B. D. (2024). Introduction—The Consilience Project. In A.-P. Witmer, J. Mingee, & B. D. Scully (Eds.), Consilience: Learning About Ourselves by Applying Indigenous Traditions to Western Music and Technology (pp. 1-3). (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society; Vol. Part F3015). Springer.

Witmer, A. P. (2024). The Way We Approach Technology. In A.-P. Witmer, J. Mingee, & B. D. Scully (Eds.), Consilience: Learning About Ourselves by Applying Indigenous Traditions to Western Music and Technology (pp. 31-39). (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society; Vol. Part F3015). Springer.

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