In honor of Rita and Arnold Goodman, their children, David, Andrew and Norman continued their parents legacy by creating a fellowship to support graduate students within the fields of women, gender, and international development
- Barbara Yates, WGGP founding director, created the Barbara A. Yates Graduate Fellowship to give annual financial support (tuition and fee waivers) for a student in the Gender Relations in International Development minor. Learn more:
- Kathleen ‘Kate’ Cloud was an Associate Professor of Human and Community Development, Agricultural Economics and Women’s Studies. From 1986-1988, she was Acting Director of the Office of Women in International Development (WID) later known as Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP). By 1988, she assumed the role as Director through 1998. Kate retired from the University in 2000 but...
- The Honorable Mary Robinson (former President of Ireland) standing at the I Hotel and Conference Center Ballroom on March 10, 2016, giving a talk on Climate Change and Its Impact: Risks and Inequalities.
- 1970 photo of Rita Goodman with Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pierson. To learn more about Rita Goodman and the Rita and Arnold Goodman Graduate Fellowship, please visit Goodman Fellowship History page at ...
- Our first founding director, Barbara Yates, standing in front of the beautiful California ocean. For more information about Yates and her accomplishments, go to
- Retrospective of events and people these past 40 years This year we will feature “Throwback Thursday,” offering a retrospective of events and people these past 40 years. Stay tuned for weekly updates.