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Dr. Parul Choudhary

Dr. Parul Choudhary, GRID Alumna, is an architect, planner, organic farmer and social impact entrepreneur.

We asked Dr. Parul Choudhary about her current work and here are snippets of what she shared:

  • What is the focus of your current work and/or the subject of your current research? 

I, Parul Choudhary MURP 2004 and GRID minor have been working in India post my graduation from UIUC as an architect, planner, organic farmer and social impact entrepreneur. I always refer to my UIUC experience as a mini world experience and have treasured the multi-disciplinary exposure and awareness that has integrated into my practice and life in general.

  • How has your GRID minor helped you in your career? 

GRID was an eye opener at that time when the information flowed not so quick and easy. It was my first conscious lifestyle lesson and that is what has brought me to the point where I now closely work with small & marginal organic farmers in India including women farmers and make each decision of my organic business House of Kalplata Naturals through the lens of awareness for fair and ethical practices, and also the health and environmental impact it creates.

  • Do you have any advice or suggestions for current GRID Students? 

GRID is an approach to the way life can be consciously lived and to immerse oneself in the nuances of our connected and interdependent world where no act happens in isolation. Each local act has a global impact and vice versa and GRID is your way to improve your understanding and mature and aware response to it.

  • How can we learn more about your work through social media? 

