On November 29, 2022 at 12pm CST, Dr. Hanan Elshair presented, "AI Applications in Education" during a virtual talk.
Dr. Hanan Elshair is a Professor of Educational Technology and the Vise Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Women for Arts, Sciences, and Education at Ain Shams University in Egypt. She received her Ed.D in Instructional Design and Technology at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Elshair teaches graduate and undergraduate courses including Instructional Design, Development of E-learning environments, Learning content design, Technology for specific needs and Smart learning.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the learning experience of students at all ages with its capabilities to mimic human thinking and responses, what can AI offer for students and instructors? Can AI provide better learning chances for female students in Egypt? This presentation will try to answer these questions and spotlight on some good examples of AI applications in different learning settings.
This talk was co-sponsored by the International and Area Studies Library.