Lila Ann M. Wong, one of the GRID fellows and a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at UIUC, and her colleague Hamadou Traoré collaboratively developed the program "Éducation Autour de la Culture" (Education Centered on Culture) in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Involving multiple weekly workshops in storytelling, dance, theater, music, singing, and crafts for approximately 100 students from January to July 2023, the initiative culminated in a 45-minute performance by the students during the school's end-of-year closing ceremony. Lila and Hamadou also organize a sponsorship program for school children who cannot afford school fees and materials, supporting 30 elementary and middle school children in need. Please contact Lila directly (lmdodge2@illinois.edu) for more details about the "Education Centered on Culture" project and the opportunity to sponsor schoolchildren in Bobo.”