Critical & analytical thinking

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Louise Woodroofe

Women in History Spotlight: Luoise Woodroofe

Louise Woodroofe attended U of I from 1913-1917 and returned in 1920 as an instructor in freehand drawing. She became a full Professor of Art in 1948 and was voted "Most Supportive Faculty Member" in 1978. Woodroofe influenced the Assembly Hall design and left a lasting legacy through the Louise M. Woodroofe Prize.

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a photo of Ananya

Alumni Spotlight: Insights from a Former Fellow: An Interview with Dr. Ananya Tiwari on Winning the WGGP Fellowships

  Dr. Ananya Tiwari, an assistant professor in Educational Psychology and ACES faculty fellow, focuses on the intersection of educational psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and evaluation. Her work emphasizes the sense of belonging, social and emotional development, educational technology, artificial intelligence, and international development. She explores how identities, social structures, and experiences influence the sense of belonging among marginalized communities and evaluates the impact of policies and programs aimed at enhancing this belonging. Previously, as a GRID student...