GRID Alum Dikshya Devkota is a Barbara A. Yates Fellowship Recipient and graduated in 2020 with a MS in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES). She recently accepted a position as a Project Manager at the ...
- Dr. Pronoy Rai (Ph.D. Geography, 2018) GRID Alumnus and 2015 Recipient of the Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellowship is currently an assistant professor at Portland State University. His research interests include human-environment geographies, development and labor migration, gender and masculinities, agro-ecological change and South Asia.
- Katherine Roth (MA in Journalism and Middle East Studies) GRID Alumna (1989) is currently working with the Associated Press.
- GRID Alumna, Dr. Khalida Malik (PhD in Sociology), will participate in the upcoming Illinois Global Institute Career Day on October 23rd. Dr. Malik is a consultant and Retired Program Officer with the UN World Food Program. Dr. Kahlida Malik is an alumna of the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP) and she is a retired program officer with the...
- Aida Orgocka University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumna GRID Minor, 2002 PhD in Human and Community Development, 2003 Current Position Gender and Development Specialist, Education Cannot Wait What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research? As the Gender and Development Specialist for...
- Angelina Cotler University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumna GRID Minor, 2005 Ph.D. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, 2005 Current Position Director of Membership and Development, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research? My current work...
- Varsha Venugopal University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumnna GRID Minor, 2002 Master's in Urban Planning, 2002 Current Position My current position is Assistant Director of Programmes at Options, Consulting Firm focused on Maternal and Child Health in developing countries located in London, UK What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research? I am part...
- Bruna Romero-Melgar University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumnna GRID Minor, 2014 Master's in Economics, 2014 Current Position My current position is Managing Director of GIrls in Tech Bolivia located in Santa Cruz, Bolivia What is the focus of your current work and/or subject of your current research? Girls in Tech Bolivia is a non...
- Beatriz Padilla University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumnna GRID Minor, 2001 PhD in Sociology, 2001 Current Position My current position is Principal Investigator (which is at the same level that Associate Professor) at the Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) or in English, University Institute of Lisbon Please give us an update on...
- Batamaka Some University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Alumnnus GRID Minor, 2010 PhD in Anthropology, 2010 Current Position Regional Representative West Africa Collaborative Crop Research Programme (CCRP) of the McKnight Foundation. Location: Burkina Faso Please give us an update on your life since graduating from Illinois. Thank you...