Contact Information
URBANA, IL 61801
office, 304 A
Office Hours
Born and raised in Koidu town, Kono District, Sierra Leone.
Research Interests
My research interest is working on small-scale irrigation with women to improve year-round productivity in Sierra Leone. My research topic is optimizing the performance of the spiral water wheel pump.
I am presently working on "Optimizing Designer Biochar Pellets for Efficient Phosphorus Removal in Agrosystems"
Research Description
Research interests revolve around the multi-scale adoption and assessment of best management practices to reduce nutrient loss on agricultural lands and facilitate year-round productivity for small-holder farmers in Sierra Leone.
Considering the amount of water scarcity, especially during the summer, and its effect on smallholder farmers and, subsequently, its adverse effect on agricultural production, optimizing water use is essential. Removing water from streams and rivers requires enormous energy to power the pumps to lift water. Renewable sources power spiral water pumps, and naturally, without pollution, they are also less costly than electrical or fossil-fuel power-driven machines. This study is designed to be implemented in Sierra Leone, and it aims to determine the optimum performance of a spiral pump design for head requirements and flow conditions at any given site.
Currently, I am a second-year PhD student at the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Illinois.
2022, MSc in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois,
GRID Minor, 2022
Certified in Contextual Engineering, 2023.
2019, BSc in Agricultural Engineering, Njala University, Sierra Leone
Global Food Security Programs in the School of ACES, 2021
Awards and Honors
ASABE, Nye graduate fellowship program award, 2023