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Clifford E Singer

Professor Emeritus

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor Emeritus, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
Research Professor, Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
Professor Emeritus, Political Science
Professor Emeritus, Center for Global Studies
Professor Emeritus, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies

Recent Publications

Bae, J. W., Singer, C. E., & Huff, K. D. (2019). Synergistic spent nuclear fuel dynamics within the European Union. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 114, 1-12.

Bae, J. W., Huff, K., & Singer, C. (2017). Synergistic spent nuclear fuel dynamics within the European union. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 117, 261-265.

Geringer, R. J., & Singer, C. (2015). Modeling transient thermal conditions for nuclear waste in deep boreholes. In 15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015 (pp. 642-645). (15th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference 2015, IHLRWM 2015). American Nuclear Society.

Singer, C., & Matchett, L. (2015). Climate Action Gaming Experiment: Methods and Example Results. Challenges, 6(2), 202-228.

Singer, C., Milligan, T., & Rethinaraj, T. S. G. (2014). How China's Options Will Determine Global Warming. Challenges, 5(1), 1-25.

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