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Amit Kramer

Associate Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Associate Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Associate Dean, School of Labor and Employment Relations

Recent Publications

Kramer, A., Han, K. H., Kim, Y. K., & Kramer, K. Z. (2024). Inefficiencies and bias in first job placement: The case of professional Asian nationals in the United States. Journal of Industrial Relations, 66(2), 263-290.

Kramer, A., Han, K. H., Kim, Y. K., & Kramer, K. Z. (2023). DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ASIAN IMMIGRANTS TO THE US: QUALITY OF THE FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL PLACEMENT. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2023(1).

Lee, Y., & Kramer, A. (2022). Understanding the (lack of) utilization of work-family practices: a multilevel perspective. Cross Cultural and Strategic Management, 29(4), 899-918.

Pak, S., Kramer, A., Lee, Y., & Kim, K. J. (2022). The impact of work hours on work-to-family enrichment and conflict through energy processes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(4), 709-743.

Kim, Y. K., Kramer, A., & Pak, S. (2021). Job insecurity and subjective sleep quality: The role of spillover and gender. Stress and Health, 37(1), 72-92.

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